>Just a quick fact that I thought I'd toss out, there are 2 openings to
>in which Razor is heard, one for which he says "This week on SWAT Kats" and
>another one where he says "Today on SWAT Kats" I happen to have heard both
>them becuase the station I originally watched SWAT Kats on once accidentally
>played both. I take it they played the "Today" version on TCN, right?
> |\ __ /| Kevin L. Knoles klknole_at_rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu |\ __ /|
> | | | |
> \ / Check out SWAT Kats on the Web: \ /
> \/ http://rat.org/kats \/
Hate to break it to you, but they play neither. And they don't play the
secret files, or the S.K.I Q. ep...yet. (What a rip!)
Lt FFeral_at_aol.com
Melissa Anne
Yes, I'm back. (It's been a hecktic week, and my server refuses to cooperate
with me!)
Received on Sat May 04 1996 - 21:38:31 PDT