> OK, digitize it and send it to rat.org! I want to hear it too.
Wish I could, but I don't have the resources.
> Someday we need to make a list of every weapons that was used by the SwatKats
and then put that listt on rat.org.
Yeah, we could do that for tons of stuff. Let's see, a complete list of
characters with descriptions and the episodes they've appeared in, a list of
every weapon, gadget, secret file, and other weird little things like all the
times Manx has lots his wig, Razor's said "Bingo", Feral called for "Chopper
Backup", etc. There are *millions* of list that we could make!
> >At'll teach me to not read my Kats mail ASAP.
> Hey, every empty message that you post always teach me not to reply that messa
ge ASAP.
I never have intentionally posted blank mail, I think the editor is
responsible each time that's happened. Nearly happened again earlier today,
but when I checked before sending I saw its mistake and dumped the attempt to
start over where I knew that wouldn't happen.
> Edo Andromedo email : macsonic_at_rad.net.id
|\ __ /| Kevin L. Knoles klknole_at_rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu |\ __ /|
| | | |
\ / Check out SWAT Kats on the Web: \ /
http://rat.org/kats \/
Received on Tue Apr 30 1996 - 17:12:50 PDT