On Mon, 26 Feb 1996, Andy Hill wrote:
>"Unlikely Alloys" was Lance Falk's Sci-Fi homage tour-de-force, incorporati=
>references from "Star Trek: The Next Generation", "Fantastic Voyage" and vi=
>bits 'n' pieces from Japanime theatrical releases. Dr. Greenbox becoming=
part of
>his creation is a parallel to the STNG episode where Barkelely (sp?) create=
>the supercomputer in the Holodeck in an attempt to create a more powerful
>interface with which to carry out the Argus repairs.
Actually Barclay created a neuron interface device because the current=
interface is just too slow, he link himself with the three computer cores=
of the Enterprise and the ship's entire FTL network. So he basicaly is the=
computer now, Majel's voices was gone after he take over the whole=
computer. But when Greenbox connected to Zed, Zed is still there.
Oh well, I always think that episode is sorta like when William Decker merge=
with V'Ger in ST:TMP.
Oh yeah, speaking of Decker. How is Felix, Simon?
I think that this plug your mind into the computer thing also happen in "A=
Bright and Shiny future." when the Pastmaster put on the "pan" on Mac=
Mange's head to control the entire MegaKat computer network. This prove=
that the Metallikats are smarter than the Pastmaster, even if they doesn't=
have a real brain, so this mean that the Pastmaster doesn't have any mind=
or brain at all. So I presumed that he is _ brain dead_! and is technicaly=
can be classified as a dead kat.
>Just as "Broccoli" was
>transformed and absorbed by *his* creation, so Leiter Greenbox was
>annexed by his.
Hmmm, I'm curious here, if Lt. Barclay's first name is Reginald, what is Lt.=
Steel(e)'s first name?
>Zed was altered by other computer/machines he'd come into contact with
>in much the same way as your computer has the ability to absorb unwanted
>information in the form of viruses from other storage media
Is this a design flaw? No wonder that Greenbox never got accepted in the=
scientific community.
>Falk likely intended this aspect of "Zed" to reference the Classic
>Trek episode
Is Nomad from "STTOS: The Changeling" is the probe that you mention? Nomad=
went berzerk when it was collide with another probe and then it fix itself=
with parts from another alien probe (The other probes's mission is to=
"sterilize" unwanted thing on the colony planet, BTW.), and when the two=
joins, Nomad mission changes from passive to hostile. Sorta like what=
happen to Zed, only I can't figure out on how Zed got infected by the=
Metallikats's personalities.
>(Did you know that Lance Falk submitted two scripts to the producers of
>STNG, only to have them rejected as "too much like the old 'Trek"?)
Hmmm, I wonder what will happen in the future if SWAT Kats are just like=
Star Trek.
Received on Mon Apr 29 1996 - 18:47:43 PDT
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