Subject: Re: Siblings
From: Pastmaster
Date: 9/25/1996 6:23 PM

In other fanfiction:
   This seems to be the case, except in Terra's "Rememberances and
Recollections" where Jake has a sister (older/younger unknown) who is raped
and murdered by their father while he was young (middle/high school age).

I believe Chance has a sister in Ryan's "Midnight Magic" series.

Technically, but not really. When I finish making the fanfic easier to read
(and it dosn't take up a third of people's fanfic pages), this'll be explained.
And, DJ, you're stories are NEVER difficult to read - difficult to 
stop reading, maybe, but never difficult to read. 

You wanna difficult story to read? Check out my first fanfic that I made!
Now THAT'S hard to read!
"This don't be one of my better days, I guarantee."

My better days are behind me :(
Esteban (Eh STAY bon) "friends to the anti-SK Extremist" Kelley
The unofficial SK Extremist(with T.E.D. virus), Sailor Moon megafan, Anime fan.
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