Subject: Re: Swat Kats World
From: Faolchuu
Date: 9/11/1996 5:13 PM

At 06:41 PM 9/11/96 -0400, Zax wrote:
Has anyone ever given any thoughts as to politics on Katworld?
Since they never seem to mention a larger government organization other
then the city, I suppose that the world is divided into varios
City-States.  (The "reference" to MASA , Megacat Aeronautics and Space
Administration<?) seems to support this.) 

Any ideas?

Megakat City might be made up of a large city and some surrounding rural
land, like Singapore, Hong Kong, Mauritius or Malta, for example.  Those
nations (okay, Hong Kong ISN'T technically a nation) thrive because of
economic trade, but ARE independent nations.

Trekie, Babyloonie, Furrie

Damn, I thought we killed all those Trekkies!

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